In this series of articles, we will be sharing exclusive coverage from KWF Tagung 2024. 

ON the Pewag stand, Forestry Journal had the chance to catch up with UK MD Stewart Kelly, previously of Clark Tracks. The show marked his return to the world of forestry.

He said: “It’s been absolutely brilliant so far. I’m glad to be back in the forest after a short sabbatical.”

Asked for an introduction to Pewag, he said: “It’s an Austrian track and chain company, more famous for its chains. The tracks are a new development in the last seven to 10 years. The production is really advanced and some of the technologies being used are much more advanced than any I’ve ever seen.”

To illustrate, he pointed out the case-hardened links, which make a significant difference in the first third of the track’s life.

(Image: FJ/Jack Haugh)

He said: “You don’t have to maintain it. It’s really durable and something I hadn’t seen before. Bars are pre-welded before welding the stubs, so we don’t get the breakages next to the stubs. It’s a totally different game compared to what I’ve been used to and a really advanced product.

“The company’s got a lot of resources in product development and it’s been an interesting few months since I joined.”

Asked what really set Pewag apart, he said: “Firstly, the case-hardened links mean you’re not having to tension the track as often, particularly in the beginning of its life. It is a very durable product. 

“We’ve got a little bit of work to do on flotation tracks that are fit for the UK, but I was talking to a customer from Scotland who has agreed to do some testing on our latest innovation, so that’s in development.”

Head to our YouTube channel to watch a full version of this interview, which will be published in the coming weeks.