In this series of articles, we will be sharing exclusive coverage from APF 2024. 

IMAGINE a world in which Sitka spruce could complete a full rotation in just 25 years. Maybe it’s time to imagine no more. 

Containing living mycelium, Rhizopellets are small, cube-shaped pellets – a lot like a stock cube – that are planted alongside a tree, enhancing its establishment and forming a symbiotic relationship with tree roots. 

Improving nutrient uptake, increasing water absorption, and enhancing resistance, Rhizocore Technologies’ “innovative product” is said to increase growth rate by 20 to 25 per cent and could improve survival rate by as much as 25 per cent. 

“We look at what the tree species is, where it is going to be planted, and then we match the local fungi with a specific tree species to enhance tree growth,” explained Paul Anderson. “It’s a simple process to use. We developed the process in conjunction with tree planters and forestry management companies. What goes into it is a lot of science.

“Growing trees quicker can have huge benefits, especially in commercial forestry, because we can shorten rotations. 

“It works with a wide variety of tree species, a lot that are used in commercial forestry, including Sitka, Douglas firs, a lot of pines. 

“If we can help trees grow faster, bigger and stronger, that benefits everybody. 

“If you are talking about a typical Sitka rotation of 35 to 40 years, we can knock five to 10 years off that. That’s a huge benefit for a lot of commercial foresters.” 

Head to our YouTube channel to watch a full version of this interview, which will be published in the coming weeks.