A VEGETATION fire broke out during forestry work near an overhead powerline network. 

Fire crews were called to the scene when a forwarder operator discovered smoke being driven by wind towards the worksite and an adjacent electricity substation. 

Approximately 70 m wide and 40 m deep at its peak, the blaze was eventually extinguished just yards from the overhead powerline, and barely 50 m from the substation and a nearby woodland. 

The cause of the fire is unknown. 

Limited details of the incident have been released by forestry officials in a bid to alert operators, site managers, and contractors to the dangers of vegetation fires. 

An incident bulletin read: "A machine operator, undertaking secondary forwarding on a forestry clearance project for an electricity sub-station development, noticed smoke drifting over the worksite.

"He stopped work, contacted a colleague and both walked to a vantage point, from which they could then see a vegetation fire advancing from the edge of the adjacent public road.

"The fire was approximately 70 m wide and 40 m deep at this point and being driven by the wind toward the worksite, the adjacent substation and overhead powerline network.

"They immediately contacted the fire brigade and reported the incident to the client - SSEN and their electrical engineers, and the Scottish Woodlands management team." 

With one team member instructed to move to the main access point and wait the arrival of the fire brigade, worksite staff moved all machinery, equipment, fuel bowsers and personnel to a safe distance and out of the potential path of the fire.

The statement added: "The fire brigade arrived on site, with two engines, just under 30 minutes from the initial call. The fire brigade incident commander was briefed by the operator waiting at the rendezvous/access point, then took charge of the site, closed the public road, and organised additional fire engine support.

If you identify a wildfire

Consider your safety and the safety of your colleagues and others first. Position yourself and others away from the fire, smoke and any vegetation.

Call 999 immediately and request the Fire Service.

Stay calm, be detailed.
• Clearly state your location (road names, landmarks or use a locator app like
• Describe the fires size and direction of spread.
Do not fight the fire.
• Wildfires are unpredictable and dangerous.
• Leave the firefighting to the fire brigade.

Stay on site in a position of safety with good mobile reception and await further instructions.

The bulletin added: "Thanks to the quick identification and reporting from the work team, and the quick and effective response from the fire brigade, the fire was stopped just over 50m from the electricity sub-station, 10m from the overhead tower line, and 50m from the adjacent woodland."